在这个充满派对的 3 卡刮刮卡游戏中,有何惊喜等着您?最大奖金额是您赌注的10,000倍。
这个刮刮卡游戏还有一个非常棒的奖励回合—当您刮掉 3 个奖励图标并获得 5 个免费回合时,它就会被激活。每张卡最多赢取可以赢取90倍的赌注!
1. 选择您的投注金额。
2. 点击「游玩」按钮。
3. 刮开每张卡片,找出 6 个符号。
4. 如果您在一张卡片上找到 3 个相同的符号,您就赢了!
5. 每张刮刮卡赢得的金额显示在奖项字段中的 6 个刮刮方块的下方。
6. 每个回合的获胜金额显示在屏幕右下方的总奖励的框中。
7. 相关游戏奖品随后会添加到您的账户余额中。在屏幕底部中间查看您的余额。
当您刮到 3 个奖励图标时,将触发奖励回合。
刮到 3 个奖励图标,您将赢得 5 张金票 - 以及 5 次赢取巨额奖品的机会。
1. 奖励回合开始。
2. 选择「刮刮」,一次玩 1 张卡片。
3. 刮开第一张卡片以显示您的奖项。
4. 弹出框将显示您的奖金。
5. 选择「刮刮」。
6. 重复步骤 2-5,直到您刮完所有 5 张卡片。
7. 您奖励回合的奖金被添加到总奖励的框中。
8. 点击「返回游戏」,返回一般游戏。
1. 奖金回合开始。
2. 选择「刮开全部」一次刮开 5 张卡片。
3. 所有卡片都被刮开。
4. 弹出框将显示您的奖金。
5. 您奖励回合的奖金被添加到总奖励的框中
6. 点击「返回游戏」,返回一般游戏。
Scratch button (mobile)
Game Buttons | |
Play Press the Play button to start the game. |
Play For Me Press the Play for Me Button to have the automated system play the game for you. |
AutoPlay Game is playing in AutoPlay mode and displays the number of remaining games you have left to play. |
Stop AutoPlay Click this button to stop playing in AutoPlay mode. Gameplay will stop at the end of the current round. The number of remaining rounds is displayed inside the button. |
TurboPlay Click this button to start playing in Turbo mode. (To stop playing in TurboPlay , click the menu button, select Play Settings and slide Turbo Play to the Off position.) Note: If you have both AutoPlay and Turbo on, pressing Stop AutoPlay will stop the AutoPlay feature only. |
Home Exit the game and return back to the Game Lobby. |
Fun Balance Your total balance amount (this is fun money to play the games in practice mode). |
Real Balance Your total balance amount (money you have deposited into your account). |
Total Win Displays the amount won in each game. |
Total Bet The total amount you are playing in this round. Example: Number of cards = 5 |
Make a deposit, and add funds to your balance. |
Money Play The Money Play button appears while you are playing in Fun Mode. Click to transition the game into Real Play Mode, and play for real money.
Menu Click the Menu button to view or change your Game Settings. |
Bet Settings |
Total Bet The total amount you are playing in this round. This is calculated by multiplying the number of cards played by the bet amount: Example: Number of cards =5, Bet amount = 2. 2 x 5 = 10 Total Bet = 10 |
Bet Select the amount of your bet per card / line.
Cards Shows the number of cards you are playing.
Back Button Takes you back to the actual game. |
Play Settings | |
AutoPlay This allows the random, automated system to play multiple games for you with the same settings. |
Sound Settings |